Sleeper is building the leading platform to connect friends over sports.
Sleeper’s mission is to create a digital playground for sports fans (casuals and diehards) and their friends to hang out – on Sleeper, users can check scores, play games, chat, send memes to each other and engage in many other fun and interactive activities. Now they provide seasonal fantasy sport game and daily fantasy sport game.
Check our product in official website!
Fantasy Sports game: Fantasy Sports is a sport game, where participants assemble virtual teams composed of proxies of real players of a professional sport.
These teams compete based on the statistical performance of those players in actual games. This performance is converted into points that are compiled and totaled according to a roster selected by each fantasy team's manager. The Fantasy sports can be divided as 2 categories: Seasonal fantasy and Daily fantasy.
Over/Under game: Over/Under is a kind of Daily fantasy game. it is a real-money contest game that allows users to make predictions on athlete’s performance in real-life sports games.
Fantasy football is Sleeper's most popular game. Most of the Sleeper's users are playing Fantasy football. Sleeper has now launched a new game called Over/Under and intends to promote it. They plan to leverage the large user base of Fantasy football games to attract Fantasy football users to play Over/Under game. Sleeper decided to embed a part of the Over/Under game feature within the Fantasy Football game to organically promote it.
How can we boost the visibility of over/under in the fantasy football flow?
Refined the user acquisition flow and integration of the Over/Under game, boosting user engagement by 32% and reaching the top of the iOS App Store shortly after launch.
I have added additional over/under data to the NFL flow. This provides users with more information to help them make decisions for their weekly matchup roster strategy, without the need to access an extra screen.
I have incorporated additional entry points within the NFL flow, which will organically increase the conversion rate of O/U games. When users click on the O/U status, they will be directed to a more detailed over/under flow that provides them with a greater understanding of the game.
Displaying O/U information on users' favorite player card screen captures their attention and allows us to organically upsell our Over/Under games.
To boost the visibility of the over/under game, I started by researching our users. I re-evaluated our current user experience to find areas that needed improvement. Next, I examined the user processes for Fantasy Football and Over/Under games, looking for shared aspects that could guide our design improvements. Here's what I discovered:
Next, I thoroughly analyzed the research findings to identify recurring themes and insights, and then summarized them into design goal. Here's what I've obtained:
In redesigning the user acquisition flow for Sleeper's new Over/Under game, I segmented the process into three strategic steps to enhance user engagement and conversion:
1.🖥️ Identify Key Screens:
We analyzed the user flow to identify crucial screens where users make roster decisions, selecting these as strategic entry points for integrating Over/Under predictions.
2. 🧚 Seamless Integration:
Instead of directing users to a separate, often empty, Over/Under predictions screen, we embedded this data directly within the Fantasy Football flow. This approach ensures that users have immediate access to valuable predictions as they manage their rosters, enhancing usability and engagement without requiring additional navigation.
Besides showing Over/Under information directly on the Fantasy Football screen, I tried to add a buffer panel between the two games. When users become interested and click on Over/Under data, this panel will appear and provide more details to encourage users to learn more about our Over/Under game.
1. Increased the 32% user convertion rate of over/under
Users have responded positively to our new upselling way of Over/Under in the NFL, as evidenced by a significant increase in user conversion rates for Over/Under.
2. Top #1 in iOS App Store for sports
I completed this project in just two weeks, optimizing the roster process for NFL users. The release of this new feature coincided with the upcoming football season, and our app reached the top spot in the sports category on the App Store in August 2022.
1. Pixels perfect matter 🎨
When I worked in my school project, I didn't aware of the importance of pixels perpect until I worked in the real industry environment. A "dirty design" may cause a lot of trouble for both engineering developement and future design iteration. Now I know whenever I have to design something that has to be presented on digital displays, use the dimensions in exact pixels. no decimal no fraction. Use exact whole numbers of pixels for dimensions as well as the position of the Object. This small tip will help to create more sharp exports and precise artwork.
2. Sync up meetings matter 🐾
Before my internship, i was a perfectionism designer who only want to present my works after I have settled down all the details and polished my work to perfect.However, during my time in a cross-functional team, I came to appreciate the importance of on-time syncing in the project development process.In a cross-functional team, syncing up is critical because every department has their own unique perspective, and they all play a crucial role in the success of the project. As a UX designer, it is essential to align my design work with the development team to ensure that the user experience is not compromised. Through on-time syncing, we can catch potential design issues early on and make the necessary adjustments. This not only saves time but also ensures the product is delivered on time, meeting the needs of the end-users.